function(d, sim_spec) {
a0 <- sim_spec$a0
m <- sim_spec$m
b <- sim_spec$b
eta <- a0 + m["l1"] * d$l1 + m["l2"] * d$l2 + (b["erx"] +
b["erx-r1"] * d$srp1 + b["erx-r2"] * d$srp2) * d$erx +
(b["r1"] * d$srp1 + b["r2"] * d$srp2) * d$r * d$er +
(b["r1d"] * d$d * d$srp1 + b["r2d"] * d$d * d$srp2) *
d$ed + b["efx"] * d$efx + b["f"] * d$f * d$ef
Model implementation
The model used for the simulations translates the binary outcome into a binomial outcome by aggregating over the unique groups. For example with the linear predictor:
I get:
a0 m.l1 m.l2 b.erx b.erx-r1 b.erx-r2
0.61903921 -0.33718806 -0.08682239 -0.10000000 -0.05000000 0.05000000
b.r1 b.r2 b.r1d b.r2d b.efx b.f
0.20000000 0.09000000 0.30000000 0.10000000 0.25000000 0.15000000
ll <- = 2500, sim_spec = sim_spec)
d <- copy(ll$d)
head(d[, .(y = sum(y), n = .N), keyby = .(l, er, ed, ef, r, srp0, srp1, srp2, d, f)])
Key: <l, er, ed, ef, r, srp0, srp1, srp2, d, f>
l er ed ef r srp0 srp1 srp2 d f y n
<int> <num> <num> <int> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num> <int> <int>
1: 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 167 247
2: 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 112 193
3: 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 116 197
4: 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 12 15
5: 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 11 12
6: 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 7
The columns correspond to:
- l: strata 0 early, 1 late, 2 chronic
- er: revealed indicator surgery
- ed: revealed indicator duration
- ef: revealed indicator choice
- r: randomisation for surgery domain, dair vs rev
- srp0: indicator for dair performed
- srp1: indicator for one-stage performed
- srp2: indicator for two-stage performed
- d: indicator for duration (see below)
- f: indicator for choice (0 no-rif, 1 rif)
- y: number of treatment success
- n: number of patients
Duration domain depends on what surgery was received, NOT what was originally planned/assigned. For one-stage 12-weeks is reference group (indicated by 0) vs 6 weeks. For two-stage 7 days is reference group (indicated by 0) vs 12 weeks (1).
Within early, late and chronic stage infection, the percentage (by silo, l
) receiving each surgery type (srp
) as a randomised or non-randomised treatment (er
) are:
Percent receiving each surgery type within silo
Key: <l>
l er srp n pct
<int> <num> <num> <int> <num>
1: 0 0 0 270730 90.0593121
2: 0 0 1 29883 9.9406879
3: 1 0 0 2028 0.4059987
4: 1 0 1 2332 0.4668585
5: 1 0 2 5717 1.1445239
6: 1 1 0 244552 48.9584772
7: 1 1 1 73803 14.7751092
8: 1 1 2 171077 34.2490325
9: 2 0 0 39954 19.9891934
10: 2 0 1 40146 20.0852520
11: 2 0 2 119778 59.9255546
Stan implementation
The model spec can be translated into stan, albeit using a different likelihood spec:
data {
int N;
array[N] int y;
array[N] int n;
// variation due to silo/joint
vector[N] l1;
vector[N] l2;
// reveal
vector[N] er;
vector[N] ed;
vector[N] ef;
// surgery
vector[N] r;
// duration
vector[N] d;
// vector[N] rp; // revision was recvd
vector[N] srp0; // dair recvd
vector[N] srp1; // one-stage revision recvd
vector[N] srp2; // two-stage revision recvd
// choice
vector[N] f;
vector[2] pri_m_sd;
vector[9] pri_b_sd;
int prior_only;
transformed data{
vector[N] erx;
vector[N] erx_srp1;
vector[N] erx_srp2;
vector[N] er_r;
vector[N] er_r_srp1;
vector[N] er_r_srp2;
vector[N] ed_d_srp1;
vector[N] ed_d_srp2;
vector[N] ef_f;
erx = (1-er) ;
erx_srp1 = (1-er) .* srp1;
erx_srp2 = (1-er) .* srp2;
er_r = er .* r;
er_r_srp1 = er_r .* srp1;
er_r_srp2 = er_r .* srp2;
// you can remove rp srp1 indicates one-stage happened, srp2 indicates two stage
// the rp becomes redundant.
ed_d_srp1 = ed .* d .* srp1;
ed_d_srp2 = ed .* d .* srp2;
ef_f = ef .* f;
parameters {
real a0;
vector[2] m;
vector[9] b;
transformed parameters{
vector[N] eta;
eta = a0 +
m[1]*l1 + m[2]*l2 +
(b[1]*erx + b[2]*erx_srp1 + b[3]*erx_srp2) +
(b[4]*er_r_srp1 + b[5]*er_r_srp2) +
// b[6] * (1 - ed) +
(b[6]*ed_d_srp1 + b[7]*ed_d_srp2) +
b[8] * (1 - ef) + (b[9]*ef_f);
target += logistic_lpdf(a0 | 0, 1);
target += normal_lpdf(m | 0, pri_m_sd);
target += normal_lpdf(b | 0, pri_b_sd);
// likelihood chunks pertaining to each silo
target += binomial_logit_lpmf(y | n, eta) ;
generated quantities{
// vector[N] eta_r_0;
// vector[N] eta_r_1;
// vector[N] eta_d_0;
// vector[N] eta_d_1;
// vector[N] eta_f_0;
// vector[N] eta_f_1;
// {
// // predictions on log-odds scale setting all participants to the level
// // of interest, e.g. assume all have r = 0
// eta_r_0 = a0 +
// m[1]*l1 + m[2]*l2 +
// (b[1] * erx_srp0 + b[2] * erx_srp1 + b[3] * erx_srp2) +
// // b[6] * (1 - ed ) +
// (b[6]*ed_d_srp1 + b[7]*ed_d_srp2) +
// b[8] * (1 - ef ) + (b[9]*ef_f) ;
// // r = 1
// // (only those revealed to surgery domain contribute due to the er term)
// eta_r_1 = a0 +
// m[1]*l1 + m[2]*l2 +
// // note the use of er here and not er_r, i.e. the r is set to 1 for
// // everyone
// (b[1] * erx_srp0 + b[2] * erx_srp1 + b[3] * erx_srp2) +
// (b[4]*er .* srp1 + b[5]*er .* srp2) +
// // b[6] * (1 - ed ) +
// (b[6]*ed_d_srp1 + b[7]*ed_d_srp2) +
// b[8] * (1 - ef ) + (b[9]*ef_f);
// // duration, d = 0
// eta_d_0 = a0 +
// m[1]*l1 + m[2]*l2 +
// (b[1] * erx_srp0 + b[2] * erx_srp1 + b[3] * erx_srp2) +
// (b[4]*er_r_srp1 + b[5]*er_r_srp2) +
// // b[6] * (1 - ed) +
// b[8] * (1 - ef) + (b[9]*ef_f);
// // d = 1
// eta_d_1 = a0 +
// m[1]*l1 + m[2]*l2 +
// (b[1] * erx_srp0 + b[2] * erx_srp1 + b[3] * erx_srp2) +
// (b[4]*er_r_srp1 + b[5]*er_r_srp2) +
// // note the use of ed and rp here and not ed_rp_d_srp1, i.e. the d is
// // set to 1 for everyone
// // b[6] * (1 - ed) +
// (b[6]*ed .* srp1 + b[7]*ed .* srp2) +
// b[8] * (1 - ef) + (b[9]*ef_f);
// // choice, f = 0
// eta_f_0 = a0 +
// m[1]*l1 + m[2]*l2 +
// (b[1] * erx_srp0 + b[2] * erx_srp1 + b[3] * erx_srp2) +
// (b[4]*er_r_srp1 + b[5]*er_r_srp2) +
// // b[6] * (1 - ed) +
// (b[6]*ed_d_srp1 + b[7]*ed_d_srp2) +
// b[8] * (1 - ef) ;
// // f = 1
// eta_f_1 = a0 +
// m[1]*l1 + m[2]*l2 +
// (b[1] * erx_srp0 + b[2] * erx_srp1 + b[3] * erx_srp2) +
// (b[4]*er_r_srp1 + b[5]*er_r_srp2) +
// // b[6] * (1 - ed) +
// (b[6]*ed_d_srp1 + b[7]*ed_d_srp2) +
// // note the use of ef here and not ef_f
// b[8] * (1 - ef) + (b[9]*ef);
// }
The model is fitted to a large dataset and the posterior summarised to determine if the parameter estimates approximate the known values.
There are some terms in the model that under ‘ideal’ situation, i.e. where all patients are revealed as initially intended, that may cause estimation problems. These issues can manifest as sluggish MCMC or weird NA
terms appearing in the regression results. In general an NA
in the regression results from lm
means that the coefficient is not estimable. This can happen due to exact collinearity, e.g. when Q3 = a Q1 + b Q2 + c for some a, b and c, but, it can also happen due to not having enough observations to estimate the relevant parameters (e.g. if p >> n). If you predictors are categorical and you’re adding interaction terms, an NA
can also mean that there are no observations with that combination of levels of the factors.
m4 <- cmdstanr::cmdstan_model("stan/model-sim-04.stan")
sim_spec <-
sim_spec$a0 <- qlogis(0.65)
sim_spec$m["l1"] <- 0.57
sim_spec$m["l2"] <- 0.64
sim_spec$b["erx"] <- -0.1
sim_spec$b["erx-r1"] <- -0.05
sim_spec$b["erx-r2"] <- 0.05
sim_spec$b["r1"] <- -0.6931472
sim_spec$b["r2"] <- -0.6931472
# sim_spec$b["edx"] <- -0.07
sim_spec$b["r1d"] <- -0.6931472
sim_spec$b["r2d"] <- -0.6931472
sim_spec$b["efx"] <- -0.2
sim_spec$b["f"] <- -0.6931472
ll <- = 2e6, sim_spec = sim_spec)
lsd <-$d)
d <- copy(ll$d)
d_s <- copy(lsd$d_s)
ld <- lsd$ld
# ld$pri_m_sd <- rep(1, 2)
# ld$pri_b_sd <- rep(1, 9)
f1 <- m4$sample(
ld, iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 2000,
parallel_chains = 2, chains = 2, refresh = 0, show_exceptions = F,
max_treedepth = 13)
Running MCMC with 2 parallel chains...
Chain 1 finished in 1.5 seconds.
Chain 2 finished in 1.5 seconds.
Both chains finished successfully.
Mean chain execution time: 1.5 seconds.
Total execution time: 1.6 seconds.
# See note above. edx is dropped from the model as it is collinear with
# srp1 and srp2 and leads to an estimation issue.
f2 <- glm(y ~ l1 + l2 +
erx + erx:srp1 + erx:srp2 +
er:r:srp1 + er:r:srp2 +
# edx +
ed:d:srp1 + ed:d:srp2 +
efx + ef:f,
data = d, family = binomial())
# summary(f2)
# dtmp <- data.table(model.matrix(f2))
# dtmp <- cbind(model.matrix(f2), tot = 0)
# pracma::rref(dtmp)
# d_s
# dtmp <- data.table(model.matrix(f2))
# rref(dtmp)
# dtmp.mean <- apply(dtmp, 2, mean)
# dtmp <- sweep(dtmp, 2, dtmp.mean)
# f3 <- prcomp(dtmp)
# print(f3)
# # Fairly unsafe - checking for full rank on removal of each var
# linearly_dep_cols(f2)
The parameter estimates align reasonably well to the simulation parameters used in the linear predictor:
post1 <- data.table(f1$draws(variables = c(c("a0", "m", "b")), format = "matrix"))
cf <- coef(f2)
"Simulation parameters" = c(sim_spec$a0, sim_spec$m, sim_spec$b),
"Posterior means" = colMeans(post1),
"Max likelihood" = c(
cf["erx"], cf["erx:srp1"], cf["erx:srp2"],
cf["srp1:er:r"], cf["srp2:er:r"] ,
# cf["edx"],
cf["srp1:ed:d"], cf["srp2:ed:d"],
cf["efx"], cf["ef:f"]
), 4)
l1 l2 erx erx-r1 erx-r2 r1
Simulation parameters 0.6190 0.5700 0.6400 -0.1000 -0.0500 0.0500 -0.6931
Posterior means 0.6201 0.5651 0.6365 -0.1042 -0.0585 0.0664 -0.6996
Max likelihood 0.6203 0.5649 0.6365 -0.1045 -0.0585 0.0664 -0.6995
r2 r1d r2d efx f
Simulation parameters -0.6931 -0.6931 -0.6931 -0.200 -0.6931
Posterior means -0.6927 -0.6844 -0.7004 -0.197 -0.6918
Max likelihood -0.6927 -0.6845 -0.7004 -0.197 -0.6918
Estimation - G-computation
This section is now incomplete due to the revised model specification.
Calculations based on Bayesian model are complicated by virtue of use of binomial instead of bernoulli likelihood. To deal with this, we weight the log-odds contributions by the number of trials associated with each unique combination.
Predictions on log-odds scale:
eta_r_0 <- f1$draws(variables = c("eta_r_0"), format = "matrix")
eta_r_1 <- f1$draws(variables = c("eta_r_1"), format = "matrix")
eta_d_0 <- f1$draws(variables = c("eta_d_0"), format = "matrix")
eta_d_1 <- f1$draws(variables = c("eta_d_1"), format = "matrix")
eta_f_0 <- f1$draws(variables = c("eta_f_0"), format = "matrix")
eta_f_1 <- f1$draws(variables = c("eta_f_1"), format = "matrix")
The G-formula allows you to go from a conditional estimate to a marginal one via standardisation or other means.
# g-comp - calculations are complicated by virtue of use of binomial
# instead of bernoulli model. Approach is to weight the log-odds contributions
# by the number of trials associated with each unique combination.
max_rows <- 1000
# Compute the effect of revision
b_r <-, mclapply(1:(min(nrow(eta_r_0), max_rows)), function(ii){
# columns in eta_r_0 correspond to the covariate groups, i.e. the rows in d_s
# The repitition gives the right contribution (weight) for each covariate
# combination i.e. each column (covariate combination) is replicated by
# the number of pts with this covariate combination.
# This first one is averaged across both non-reveal and revealed. It is not
# what we want
lo_0 <- eta_r_0[ii, rep(1:nrow(d_s), times = ld$n)]
lo_1 <- eta_r_1[ii, rep(1:nrow(d_s), times = ld$n)]
mu_r = mean(lo_1 - lo_0)
# Should be no effect of rev in those that were not rand to surg
# idx <- d_s[er == 0 , which = T]
# lo_0_erx <- eta_r_0[ii, rep(idx, times = ld$n[idx])]
# lo_1_erx <- eta_r_1[ii, rep(idx, times = ld$n[idx])]
# mu_r_erx <- sum(lo_1_erx - lo_0_erx) / sum(ld$n[idx])
# Finally, these give the effect in those revealed to surgery domain. This
# is what we want.
idx <- d_s[er == 1 , which = T]
lo_0_erx <- eta_r_0[ii, rep(idx, times = ld$n[idx])]
lo_1_erx <- eta_r_1[ii, rep(idx, times = ld$n[idx])]
mu_r_er <- sum(lo_1_erx - lo_0_erx) / sum(ld$n[idx])
# avg effect then effect in non-reveal and reveal
c("mu_r" = mu_r,
# "mu_r_erx" = mu_r_erx,
"mu_r_er" = mu_r_er)
}, mc.cores = 10))
# Compute the effect of duration for the pt that received one-stage
# and for those that received two-stage surgery.
b_d <-, mclapply(1:(min(nrow(eta_d_0), max_rows)), function(ii){
lo_0 <- eta_d_0[ii, rep(1:nrow(d_s), times = ld$n)]
lo_1 <- eta_d_1[ii, rep(1:nrow(d_s), times = ld$n)]
# stratification, silo/revision type that actually took place
# idx <- d_s[ed == 0 & srp2 == 0, which = T]
# lo_0_edx_srp1 <- eta_d_0[ii, rep(idx, times = ld$n[idx])]
# lo_1_edx_srp1 <- eta_d_1[ii, rep(idx, times = ld$n[idx])]
# mu_d_edx_srp1 <- sum(lo_1_edx_srp1 - lo_0_edx_srp1) / sum(ld$n[idx])
# idx <- d_s[ed == 0 & srp2 == 1, which = T]
# lo_0_edx_srp2 <- eta_d_0[ii, rep(idx, times = ld$n[idx])]
# lo_1_edx_srp2 <- eta_d_1[ii, rep(idx, times = ld$n[idx])]
# mu_d_edx_srp2 <- sum(lo_1_edx_srp2 - lo_0_edx_srp2) / sum(ld$n[idx])
idx <- d_s[ed == 1 & srp2 == 0, which = T]
lo_0_ed_srp1 <- eta_d_0[ii, rep(idx, times = ld$n[idx])]
lo_1_ed_srp1 <- eta_d_1[ii, rep(idx, times = ld$n[idx])]
mu_d_ed_srp1 <- sum(lo_1_ed_srp1 - lo_0_ed_srp1) / sum(ld$n[idx])
idx <- d_s[ed == 1 & srp2 == 1, which = T]
lo_0_ed_srp2 <- eta_d_0[ii, rep(idx, times = ld$n[idx])]
lo_1_ed_srp2 <- eta_d_1[ii, rep(idx, times = ld$n[idx])]
mu_d_ed_srp2 <- sum(lo_1_ed_srp2 - lo_0_ed_srp2) / sum(ld$n[idx])
c("mu_d" = mean(lo_1 - lo_0),
# you need to base the mean on the n that were used in the strata
# "mu_d_edx_srp1" = mu_d_edx_srp1, "mu_d_edx_srp2" = mu_d_edx_srp2,
"mu_d_ed_srp1" = mu_d_ed_srp1, "mu_d_ed_srp2" = mu_d_ed_srp2
}, mc.cores = 10))
# Compute the effect of AB choice.
b_f <-, mclapply(1:(min(nrow(eta_f_0), max_rows)), function(ii){
# Avg effect of rif - what is the effect of rif in the sample population
# Might be wrong, but don't believe this is a meaningful/useful quantity.
lo_0 <- eta_f_0[ii, rep(1:nrow(d_s), times = ld$n)]
lo_1 <- eta_f_1[ii, rep(1:nrow(d_s), times = ld$n)]
mu_f <- mean(lo_1 - lo_0)
# Should be no effect of rif in those that were not rand to choice
# idx <- d_s[ef == 0 , which = T]
# lo_0_efx <- eta_f_0[ii, rep(idx, times = ld$n[idx])]
# lo_1_efx <- eta_f_1[ii, rep(idx, times = ld$n[idx])]
# mu_f_efx <- sum(lo_1_efx - lo_0_efx) / sum(ld$n[idx])
# Effect of rif in those rand to choice domain
idx <- d_s[ef == 1 , which = T]
lo_0_ef <- eta_f_0[ii, rep(idx, times = ld$n[idx])]
lo_1_ef <- eta_f_1[ii, rep(idx, times = ld$n[idx])]
mu_f_ef <- sum(lo_1_ef - lo_0_ef) / sum(ld$n[idx])
c("mu_f" = mu_f,
# "mu_f_efx" = mu_f_efx,
"mu_f_ef" = mu_f_ef)
}, mc.cores = 10))
The following provides the results and also comparisons to combinations of parameters used in data simulation.
For the surgery domain, the comparison of interest is dair (ref) vs revision, which can be obtained by averaging over the distribution of surgery type that took place. The revision effects are silo-specific in that only the late silo is randomised which we obtain by producing a conditional treatment effect by stratifying on the reveal status (er
I don’t believe that we currently need to worry about differential selection (\(\mathbb{P}(S=s|G=1)\ne\mathbb{P}(S=s|G=2)\)) because only one silo is contributing to the randomised comparison and I think we are restricting to that silo by virtue of conditiong on er
Term Contrast Estimate Std. Error z Pr(>|z|) S 2.5 % 97.5 %
r ln(odds(1) / odds(0)) -0.167 0.00118 -141 <0.001 Inf -0.169 -0.165
Columns: term, contrast, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high, predicted_lo, predicted_hi, predicted
Type: response
# The above call to avg_comparisons is equivalent to:
# w_eta_r0 <- sweep(eta_r0, 1, ld$n, "*")
d_new <- copy(d)
lo <- copy(d_new[, r := 0])
d_new <- copy(d)
hi <- copy(d_new[, r := 1])
y_lo <- predict(f2, newdata = lo)
y_hi <- predict(f2, newdata = hi)
mean(y_hi - y_lo)
[1] -0.1701395
# But we are only interested in the effect of r in the group that were revealed.
# The following, in avg_comparisons, does not make sense to me. Need to revisit.
# cmp <- avg_comparisons(f2, newdata = d[er == 1 & r == 1], variables = "r", comparison = "lnor")
# print(cmp, digits = 6)
# The randomised comparison should approx map to a weighted combination of the pars.
# The reason that the weights are computed conditional on r == 1 is so that we are
# weight by the proportion within the revision group that receive each revision type
# (approx 30% one-stage, 70% two-stage) and not the proportion receiving each revision
# type over all those that received randomised surgery (approx 50% dair, 15% one, 35% two).
mean(d[er == 1 & r == 1, mean(srp1)] * post1$`b[4]` + d[er == 1 & r == 1, mean(srp2)] * post1$`b[5]`)
[1] -0.6947469
The above series of outputs suggest somewhat that we are able to recover the required parameters using various approaches.
For the choice domain, the comparison of interest is no-rf (ref) vs rif, which can be obtained directly from the parameter estimate that characterised the effects of the randomised comparisons. Choice domain effects reflect an average over the silos since all silos can enter this domain.
# no-rif (ref) vs rif (of any form)
# NO - avg_comparisons(f2, variables = "f", comparison = "lnor")
# We are only interested in the effect of choice for those revealed to choice
# cmp <- avg_comparisons(f2, newdata = d[ef == 1], variables = "f", comparison = "lnor")
# print(cmp, digits = 6)
# colMeans(b_f)
# And this should just be the same as the coefficient from the model
[1] -0.6918082
For the duration domain, the comparison of interest can be obtained directly from the parameter estimates that characterised the effects of the randomised comparisons. Duration domain effects are also currently reflecting an average over the silos.
# long (ref) vs short (specific to the type of surg recvd - one or two stage)
cmp <- avg_comparisons(f2, newdata = d[ed == 1 ], variables = "d", comparison = "lnor", by = "d")
print(cmp, digits = 6)
Term Contrast d Estimate Std. Error z Pr(>|z|) S
d ln(odds(1) / odds(0)) 0 -0.664385 0.00422153 -157.380 < 0.001 Inf
d ln(odds(1) / odds(0)) 1 -0.664248 0.00422073 -157.377 < 0.001 Inf
2.5 % 97.5 %
-0.672659 -0.656111
-0.672521 -0.655976
Columns: term, contrast, d, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high
Type: response
cmp <- avg_comparisons(f2, newdata = d[ed == 1 & srp2 == 1], variables = "d", comparison = "lnor")
print(cmp, digits = 6)
Term Contrast Estimate Std. Error z Pr(>|z|) S
d ln(odds(1) / odds(0)) -0.667456 0.0051575 -129.415 < 0.001 Inf
2.5 % 97.5 %
-0.677565 -0.657348
Columns: term, contrast, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high, predicted_lo, predicted_hi, predicted
Type: response
# colMeans(b_d)
# The randomised comparison should approx map directly to the surg type
# specific pars
[1] -0.6843975
[1] -0.7003817
Based on the above, we seem to be in the right ballpark.