Probabilistic Index Models




September 30, 2024


September 30, 2024

The probabilistic index (PI), also known as the probability of superiority, refers to the probability that the outcome of a randomly selected subject in the treatment group exceeds the outcome of another randomly selected subject on the control group [1]. Thus a PI of 50% indicates that a patient on the experimental treatment is as likely to be better or worse as compared with a patient on the control treatment.

The PI is the metric associated with the Mann-Whitney-U test (aka Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney). When modelled under a regression framework with conditioning on the covariate values of both subjects, we have a probabilistic index model (PIM).

In notational terms, if we let \(y\) denote a univariate outcome and \(\vec{x}\) a vector of covariates for a unit, then the PI is given by \(\text{Pr}(y_i < y_j | \vec{x_i}, \vec{x_j})\) where \(i\) and \(j\) denote distinct units.

Two things are clear from this definition:

  1. The PI does not provide information on the magnitude of the difference between two populations.
  2. The measure is always comparing two different subjects, it does not give the probability that a single patient will benefit from a given treatment as compared with the conventional treatment.

In a two-sample setting we can use the MWU to compute the probabilistic index. However, when our treatment is continuous or we wish to condition on a set of covariates then it is desirable to embed the PI into a regression model. The approach is to model the conditional PI directly as a function of covariates:

\[ \begin{aligned} \text{Pr}(Y_i < Y_j | X_i, X_j) = m(X_i, X_j, \beta) \end{aligned} \]

where \(m(.)\) is some user-specified function and \((Y_i, X_i)\) are iid and \(X_i\), \(X_j\) and \(\beta\) are vector quantities. It is convenient to choose \(m\) as:

\[ \begin{aligned} m(X_i, X_j, \beta) = g^{-1}[(X_j - X_i)^\top \beta] \end{aligned} \]

To interpret the regression coefficient, consider two subjects \(i\) and \(j\) with covariate patterns \(X^\top = (Z_1, Z_2)\) with \(\beta^\top = (\beta_1, \beta_2)\) (for a bivariate case). Say, subject \(i\) has covariate values \((z_1, z_2)\) and subject \(j\) has values \((z_1 + 1, z_2)\) so that both have the same value for \(Z_2\) but where \(Z_1\) differs by one unit. It follows that:

\[ \begin{aligned} \text{Pr}(Y_i < Y_j | Z_{1i} = z_1, Z_{1j} = z_1 + 1, Z_{2i} = Z_{2j}) = g^{-1}{\beta_1} \end{aligned} \]

so that \(g^{-1}{\beta_1}\) gives the probability that a randomly selected subject with covariate value \(z_1\) for \(Z_1\) will have a lower outcome as compared with a randomly selected subject with a covariate value that is higher by one and where \(Z_2\) is the same for both subjects.


Notice the absence of an intercept in these models. This means that when the covariate patterns are the same, the probability that \(Y_i\) is less than \(Y_j\) is 0.5 and vice versa.

As might be clear, the above can be handled via a logistic regression applied to the transformed binary outcome \(I_{ij} = I(Y_i < Y_j)\) and predictors \(X_{ij} = X_j - X_i\). From this, the MLE give consistent estimates for \(\beta\), [2]. However, despite the fact that \((Y_i, X_i)\) are mutually independent, the transformed data \(I_{ij}\) and \(X_{ij}\) are not. This is obviously the case if we consider \(I_{ij} = I(Y_i < Y_j)\) and \(I_{ik} = I(Y_i < Y_k)\) since both share \(Y_i\) making them no longer independent. Moreover, the \(I_{ij}\) have a correlation structure that is different from the typical block correlation structure in multi-level data. Thas introduced a sandwich estimator for the standard errors (frequentist setting) implemented in the R package pim, [2] and [3]. However, a bootstrap approach could also be used - simply take \(B\) bootstrap samples (with replacement) of size \(n\) and then repeat whatever estimation process was used.


The above specification can be modified to deal with ties by modifying the transformed outcome to \(I(Y_i < Y_j) + 0.5I(Y_i = Y_j)\).


1. De Schryver M. A tutorial on probabilistic index models: Regression models for the effect size p(Y1 > Y2). American Psychological Association. 2019;24.
2. Thas O. Probabilistic index models. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B Methodological. 2012;74:623–71.
3. Meys J. Pim fit probabilistic index models. 2017.